Day 10 - Favourite Classic MovieGone with the Wind (Victor Fleming, 1939)

Ah, this movie! Although it goes for 238 minutes, I never wish it to finish and I enjoy every second. This movie is visually stunning and I love the characters; especially Scarlett, because she’s a tough bitch, and Rhett because he’s just so darn handsome! Vivien Leigh & Clark Gable are incredible! And the story is fantastic; I really wish to read the book it was based on. And because it goes for so long, I really get involved and I feel like I’ve actually lived their life and I get truly heartbroken at the end. I just think;
after all they’ve been through, he leaves! arghhh! But then I’m happy because she figures out what to do :) Brilliant film! :D
ur blog is fabulous! great u like king Tarantino too. :--) keep writing! xx, Laura