WARNING: Again, I cannot talk about From Dusk Till Dawn without giving away SPOILERS. If you haven't seen this film & don't want to read spoilers, read another one of my blog entries (not including Death Proof and/or Inglourious Basterds). But if you wish to read the spoilers, by all means; read on.
Screenplay by: Quentin Tarantino
From Dusk Till Dawn tells the story of the Gecko brothers; Seth (George Clooney) and Richie (Quentin Tarantino). They are known criminals who are running from the law. They kidnap the Fuller family (Harvey Keitel, Juliette Lewis and Ernest Liu) to help them cross the border to get to Mexico for refuge. This is successful, but when the Geckos and the Fullers arrive at a club called the Titty Twister to wait for the Gecko brothers' money prize, the ultimate chaos descends...everybody who works there is a vampire!
George Clooney & Quentin Tarantino are Seth & Richie Gecko
Their best lines:
1. Seth: "I may be a bastard, but I'm not a fucking bastard."
2. Richie: ""How's your hand, Rich?" It hurts like a fucking son of a bitch, thanks for asking, Seth!"
3. Seth: "OK, ramblers. Let's get rambling."
4. Richie: "We're having a wet bikini contest, and you just won."
5. Seth: "What do you think I want, you mean old bastard? I want a fucking room."
6 Seth: "We did it. We're in Mexico! We're fucking in Mexico you little piece of fucking shit!"
7. Seth: "Rule number one: No noise, no question. You make a noise...Mr 44 makes a noise. You ask a question, Mr. 44 answers it."
8. Richie: "He's in the bathroom. Why don't I just go in there, shoot him in the back of the head, and we can get the fuck out of here."
9. Seth: "Everybody be cool. You - be cool."
I LOVE the Gecko Brothers. I think they have got to be the coolest characters ever in a film, along with characters from Pulp Fiction and Inglourious Basterds! I know they're meant to be assholes, but that's why I absolutely love them. They are hilarious, focused, crazy and just plain cool assholes. Characters like these are rare to find in a film. That is what makes this film brilliant!
Clooney puts on a stellar performance! He was made for the role of Seth. He had the right amount of intensity that the character needed. It showed that Clooney was able to jump from the small screen to the big one quite gracefully. Clooney has charisma and it shows!
Tarantino was great as Richie Gecko. People saying Tarantino can't act is bullshit. He does an amazing job and is very believable as Richie. I wish Tarantino had more large roles like this one.
Harvey Keitel, Juliette Lewis & Ernest Liu are Jacob, Kate & Scott Fuller
Their best lines:
1. Jacob: "Are you so much a fucking loser, you can't tell when you've won?"
2. Kate's dialogue:
[Richard day-dreaming]
Kate: Richie, would you do me a favor and eat my pussy for me... please?
Richie: Uhh... sure.
3. Scott: "Kill me, Kate."
4. Jacob: "I'm a mean, mhm mhm servant of God."
5. More Kate dialogue:
Kate: Where are you taking us? Richie: Mexico. Kate: What's in Mexico? Richie: Mexicans.
6. Jacob dialogue:
[referring to Jacob & Scott] Seth: So, what's the deal with you two, you a couple of fags? Jacob: He's my son. Seth: Yeah, how's that happen? You don't look Japanese. Jacob: Neither does he. He looks Chinese. Seth: Oh, ooh, well excuse me all to hell.

I think the Fuller family are adorable. They're all so close and just genuinely sweet, until Jacob swears at Seth, but that's only one time :) I love how the Fullers just accept that they're being taken hostage and use their van to help the Gecko brothers, although they were forced and they would die if they didn't, but it's sweet nonetheless. But the Fullers actually eventually get into Seth's cool book...which means they're pretty damn cool.
Salma Hayek is Santanico Pandemonium
Her best lines:
1. [To Seth] "Let's see if you taste as good as your brother."
2. "I'm not gonna drain you completely. You're gonna turn for me. You'll be my slave. You'll live for me. You'll eat bugs because I order it. Why? Because I don't think you're worthy of human blood. You'll feed on the blood of stray dogs. You'll be my foot stool. And at my command, you'll lick the dog shit from my boot heel. Since you'll be my dog, your new name will be "Spot". Welcome to slavery." [and Seth replies "No, thanks. I've already had a wife." - which Clooney improvised, kudos to him for that. It cracks me up every time]
Her snake dance is a-m-a-z-i-n-g and it wasn't even choreographed! Rodriguez told Hayek to feel the music, and she did! She performs to Tito and Tarantula's After Dark, the best song on the soundtrack, although they are all great. I actually read in the script that the song played during Santanico Pandemonium's snake dance was originally supposed to be Down in Mexico by the Coasters, the song that Arlene performs her lap dance to in Death Proof. But After Dark works perfectly and Salma Hayek is fabulous. That scene is hot. I actually missed Santanico Pandemonium when she died, although she was a blood-sucking vampire that killed Richie.
Tom Savini is Sex Machine
His best line:
1. "Now, let's kill that fucking band."
Danny Trejo is Razor Charlie
His best dialogue:
Seth Gecko: You serve food here, Jose?
Razor Charlie: Best in Mexico.
Seth Gecko: I kinda doubt that.
Trejo is a regular in Robert Rodriguez films and it's awesome! :) A Trejo project I'm particularly looking forward to is Machete! The fake trailer for Grindhouse was so over-the-top-hilariously-amazing and the film will definitely be the same.
Cheech Marin is the Border Guard, Chet Pussy and Carlos
His best lines:
1. Chet Pussy: "All right, pussy, pussy, pussy! Come on in pussy lovers! Here at the Titty Twister we're slashing pussy in half! Give us an offer on our vast selection of pussy, this is a pussy blow out! All right, we got white pussy, black pussy, Spanish pussy, yellow pussy, we got hot pussy, cold pussy, we got wet pussy, we got smelly pussy, we got hairy pussy, bloody pussy, we got snappin' pussy, we got silk pussy, velvet pussy, Naugahyde pussy, we even got horse pussy, dog pussy, chicken pussy! Come on, you want pussy, come on in, pussy lovers! If we don't got it, you don't want it! Come on in, pussy lovers!"
2. [Dialogue as Carlos]
Seth: [talking about the Titty Twister] You've never been here before?
Carlos: No. I drove by it a couple of times. It's a rowdy place, it's out in the middle of nowhere, there'd be no cops and it's open from dusk till dawn. And didn't you say you wanted to meet in the morning? Here we are.
Seth: Well since you just picked this place out of a hat, my brother is dead, that girl's entire fucking family is dead!
Carlos: What, were they psychos? Or...
Seth: Do they look like psychos? Is that what they look like? They were vampires! Psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them, I don't give a fuck how crazy they are!

[Chet Pussy is pictured] Cheech Marin is a champion! He is also a Rodriguez regular and he plays three(!) characters in this film. Chet Pussy is especially famous because of his 'pussy speech' that is said when the Geckos and the Fullers first arrive at the Titty Twister. He is hilarious!
Carlos is also hilarious. Every time my dad and I talk about this film, he never ceases to quote Carlos from the final scene. He is the guy that the Gecko brothers were waiting for in the Titty Twister.
This film probably has the best plot shift of all time. Many people think it's stupid, but I totally agree with Quentin Tarantino & Robert Rodriguez's view on that matter, which is that the shift is good because you don't expect it. There have been no implications that they were going to run into vampires at all, and that makes it exciting. And as Tarantino has said, it's much like a Stephen King novel in the sense that the audience is introduced to the characters, you get to know them first, and then the bad stuff happens to them. It makes you somewhat feel sympathy towards the characters and interested in how they're going to survive the recent random turn of events.
This film excites the hell out of me. The plot shift is so unexpected and so great! Everybody dies except Seth, Kate and Carlos. The final scene is somewhat touching. Kate asks if she could go with Seth to El Ray and he basically says that it's not for somebody like her. He says "I may be a bastard, but I'm not a fucking bastard." I found this sweet because he puts her safety first and saves her from the dangers of El Ray.
Kate ends up being alone, all her family is dead, and Seth escapes to El Ray with his money.
This is the ultimate Tarantino/Rodriguez collaboration, along with Grindhouse. This film contains several Tarantino-isms and Rodriguez regulars and I enjoyed seeing and spotting all of them. Tarantino wrote a magnificent script and Rodriguez's direction is top-notch!
I actually get really excited when I think about this film and it makes me want to see it again, every time. My friend I was watching it with at the time said, "Oh my God, 'Selma' [god love her] Hayek turned into a vampire out of nowhere! That is so freaking random, and cool! Quentin Tarantino has a foot fetish, doesn't he?" That cracked me up. I'm guessing she liked it, but one thing's for sure; I absolutely love it!
This film is bad-ass, hilarious, just plain cool & exhilarating!
I give it 4 out of 4 stars!
Tarantino & Rodriguez did a great job. I will love them forever :)

Rating: R
Runtime: 108 mins
Taysha. x
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