Written by: Quentin Tarantino
This film is full of drama, comedy and is somewhat glamourous. Clarence Worley (Christian Slater) marries hooker; Alabama Whitman (Patricia Arquette), steals her pimp (Gary Oldman)'s cocaine which he then tries to sell to Hollywood. This causes many mishaps, especially the fact that the owners of that cocaine try to get it back.
Every character in this film is great. The fact that they're so different to each other makes the film extremely interesting.
Christian Slater is Clarence Worley
His best lines:
1. "I mean look at her. It looks like she fell off the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down."
2. "I always said, if I had to fuck a guy... I mean had to, if my life depended on it... I'd fuck Elvis."
3. "If there's one thing this last week has taught me, it's better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it."
4. "You just said you love me, now if I say I love you and just throw caution to the wind and let the chips fall where they may and you're lying to me I'm gonna fuckin' die."
Christian Slater is amazing as Clarence. Although, Slater would be at the bottom of Tarantino's list for people to play Clarence, I thought he suited the part quite well. He was very believable & definitely pulled it off. Slater is real good at playing a cool guy, like he did in Heathers opposite Winona Ryder.
Patricia Arquette is Alabama Whitman
Her best lines:
1. "Okey dokey doggie daddy."
2. "I'm not a whore. I'm a call-girl. There's a difference, you know?"
3. "I'm gonna go jump in the tub and get all slippery and soapy and then hop in that waterbed and watch X-rated movies 'till you get your ass back in my lovn' arms."
4. "Stop being so fucking calm about all this."
I already loved Patricia Arquette for her performance in Ed Wood, and this film made me love her more. It proved that she is quite the chameleon.
Dennis Hopper is Clifford Worley
His best lines:
1. "'Cause you, you're part eggplant."
2. "No, I'm, no, I'm quoting... history. It's written. It's a fact, it's written."
3. "Son of a bitch was right. She tastes like a peach."
Leonard Maltin was right, it is weird seeing Dennis Hopper playing the most normal character in a film, because he usually plays a psycho. Well, I must say he plays both types of characters very well.
Val Kilmer is the Mentor/Clarence's Elvis
His best lines:
1. "You think a cop gives a fuck about a pimp? Listen. Every pimp in the world gets shot. Two in the back of the fuckin' head. Cops'd throw a party, man."
2. "I like you, Clarence. Always have. Always will."
3. "Naw man you were cooler than cool."
I must admit, I have a huge crush on Val Kilmer as Elvis! This is a perfect role for Kilmer. He is a master of playing totally cool characters such as Batman, that shows in this film especially. His part is relatively small, but I love it and I really look forward to seeing him when he's not onscreen.
Gary Oldman is Drexl Spivey
His best lines:
1. "Now I know I'm pretty, but I ain't as pretty as a couple of titties."
2. "He must have thought it was white boy day. It ain't white boy day, is it?"
I really don't Drexl and that proves that Gary Oldman is a fantastic actor, he was so believable! Oldman's performance in this film is definitely one of his best!
Brad Pitt is Floyd
His best lines:
1. "Hey! Get some beer and some cleaning products!"
2. "Don't condescend me, man. I'll fuckin' kill ya, man."

Brad Pitt is so good as Floyd. I've read that it was actually his idea that Floyd be a stoner who never left the couch. Well, I say; good choice, Brad! :) Pitt is so good at playing comedic characters! He should do so much more of it!
Christopher Walken is Vincenzo Coccotti
His best lines:
1. "You're a cantaloupe."
2. "Sicilians are great liars. The best in the world. I'm Sicilian."
3. "That smarts, doesn't it? Getting slammed in the nose. Fucks you all up. You get that pain shootin' through your brain, your eyes fill up with water. That ain't any kind of fun, but what I have to offer you, that's as good as it's gonna get."
4. "Now, what we got here is a little game of show and tell. You don't wanna show me nothing but you're telling me everything."
Christopher Walken is fantastic, as usual, in this role. I always enjoy his small parts in films, including this one, as well as Pulp Fiction. The way he delivers his lines is perfect. Kudos to Walken :)
If anybody saw what's left of My Best Friend's Birthday, you would see that the two films are very similar. That is because True Romance is in fact based on My Best Friend's Birthday [both written by Quentin Tarantino]. After most of My Best Friend's Birthday was destroyed in a fire, this film had to be made again. But, sadly, in order to fund Reservoir Dogs, Tarantino had to sell the script for True Romance. This all worked out for the best though :)
It definitely would have been interesting to see Quentin Tarantino direct it. If that was the case, there would have been an alternate ending. Personally, I love how Tony Scott ended it, although Tarantino's ending is very strong and very interesting, but ultimately I believe that Scott's ending really proved the film title, and I liked that. But in many ways, so does Tarantino's. I would have been happy with any of those endings though :)
People always ask when Tarantino's going to do a romantic comedy. Well, as Tarantino has said; he wrote True Romance and "that's not an ironic title". This is very true. This film is all about love. The ending actually made me cry. It was beautiful. This film is awesome! Tarantino and Scott did a great job! What's great is that this film could have been even better if Tarantino directed it(!), although it is still great.
I give it 3.5 out of 4 stars
Rating: R
Runtime: 120 mins
Taysha. x
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