Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The One with the 30 Days of Movies Challenge: Part 11

Day 11 - A movie that changed your opinion about something
Vicky Cristina Barcelona (Woody Allen, 2008)

After watching this film for the second time, which was this year, I completely changed the focus of my art major project. Before this, I was doing something stupid which my teacher hated, so when I watched this; the photography scene (above) inspired me to use photography and also inspired me to think of a brilliant thesis to focus on, as opposed to an installation idea which would have turned out bad anyway. My teacher loved this change. I’m still working on it, and it’s going pretty well :) Thank you, Woody! :D

1 comment:

  1. BTW i got the entire thing for the 30 day movie challenge if ur curious. here it is:
    1.Best Movie You Saw Last Year
    2.underrated movie
    3.movie that makes u happy
    4. sad movie
    5. love story
    6. made 4 tv
    7. suprising plot twist
    8. movie u have seen numerous times
    9. best soundtrack
    10. classic movie
    11. changed ur opinion
    12. movie u hate
    13. guilty pleasure
    14. movie no one expected you to love
    15. character u relate 2
    16. movie u used to love but hate
    17. movie that disappointed u the most
    18. movie u wish more had seen
    19. fave movie based on book/comic book
    20. fave movie from fave actor/actress
    21. fave action movie
    22. fave documentary
    23. fave animation
    24. one awesome idea that has not been done yet
    25. fave hilarious movie
    26. movie u love but everyone hates
    27. movie u wish u had seen in theatres
    28. movie from ur fave director
    29. Fave Movie from your childhood
    30. Fave Movie of All Time
