Friday, May 7, 2010

The One with the 30 Days of Movies Challenge: Part 2

Day 02 - The most underrated movie:
Donnie Brasco (Mike Newell, 1997)

It is unbelievable how underrated this film is. I never hear anything about it and it is, in my opinion; one of the best gangster films ever! It takes you on a journey that makes you laugh, that is extremely intriguing, and ultimately; completely breaks your heart (the ending made me cry like a little baby). And, just take a look at that brilliant cast! Also, if I may say; this should be on the top 250 list on the IMDB!! Why isn't it?!

1 comment:

  1. Forget about it!

    For sure it's a great films.

    Khalil from Paris (France)
